8 éléments à prendre en compte lors du choix d'un fournisseur de terminaux de paiement sur tablette With a wealth of options on the market, find out how to pick a tablet point-of-sale platform that perfectly suits your business needs.
La super-technologie des supermarchés : Le numérique transforme notre façon de faire les courses Grocery shopping as we know it is shifting. Big retailers and department stores have started to target pain points that consumers have struggled with for years. Services like home-delivery have...
La fidélité à la marque appartient-elle au passé ? Brand loyalty used to be common practice among consumers. With fewer services and products available, people would pick a brand and stick with it. The plethora of choice available today...
Y a-t-il une place pour la technologie à votre table ? Digital dining is on the rise; from franchise chains to fine dining, technology is making an appearance on menus everywhere.
Comment mettre les tablettes au service du restaurant Upgrading technology and changing processes can be daunting, but incorporating tablets into your business is simpler than you think. Learn how here.
Les technologies portables ont-elles de bonnes applications dans les entreprises ? Having a presence in both the business and consumer world, the influx of wearable technology promises a more seamless and productive way of life. Learn how it can help frontline businesses...