Une course contre le temps (de livraison) : Qui va gagner ? A recent study found that the amount of time people are willing to wait for free shipping has dropped from 5.5 days in 2012 to 4.5 days. Brands are battling...
Article d'invité : Comment améliorer la satisfaction des clients dans les aéroports There are many ways you can improve customer satisfaction in an airport. First, you need to measure it by collecting customer feedback to find insights on how to enhance the...
Downsizing retail : Les marques peuvent-elles tirer profit de la réduction de la taille de leurs magasins ? We saw countless closures of big-box retailers throughout 2018, but increasingly we’re assured that this is not the end of physical retail. So, what do these closures mean?
L'ère de la location et de l'économie de partage As a generation that’s obsessed with instant gratification and constantly on the move, renting suits the consumers of today and is set to build even more momentum in the year...
Comment mettre en place un spectacle (salle) En tant que détaillant en ligne, les salles d'exposition sont le moyen idéal de se plonger dans le monde de la vente au détail en brique et en mortier. Ils...
Comment rendre ton magasin Instagrammable ? Considering the photogenic aspects of your store at the design stage can improve engagement with your store in the long run. Here’s five points to help you get started.