Modern Museum: Unlimited Archives at Dallas Museum of Art

With an overflowing archive, tablets have been installed in one of the exhibition rooms to deliver richer and expanded information to its loyal art lovers.

‘An Enduring Legacy’ is a collection of work celebrating the museums greatest benefactor, Margret McDermott. The ‘visionary patron of the arts‘ acquired 3,100 pieces for the museum – all of which they wanted to showcase in the exhibit. Challenged with the task of showing the whole collection with no extra square-footage, the museum implemented tablets and Bouncepads.

Giving its visitors access to McDermott’s entire body of work, the gallery has installed Lounge models in a relaxed seating area, delivering a multi-layered experience that gives visitors the ability to view all the artwork at the swipe of a finger. The stay-a-while nature of the Lounge model makes tablets inviting and encourages visitors to sit and browse the collection.

Lance Lander, manager of gallery technology and innovation explained “We wanted the user to be able to hold it like a book as opposed to mounted on a wall.” The freestyle usability of the tablet is untainted by the Bouncepad, it simply secures it in place to avoid snatch-and-grabs.

Of course, being a gallery, aesthetic plays a big part too. Lander said, “I work with a designer and we just couldn’t find anything that we liked in terms of the aesthetics or the style. Then we came across the Bouncepad and we just loved it. It functions well; it’s sturdy, locks well and the quality and the length of the cable is great. Our head designer is really pleased with them.”

“We have an online collection which is everything the museum owns – 20,000+ pieces – so we were able to refine a search for this collection that narrowed down all the pieces that McDermott helped acquire. I then locked the iPad down to that URL so that people can’t go beyond it.”

“I use Apple Configuration rather than the Guided Access, because people try to guess your passcode and it eventually locks the iPad and has to be reset. I use the Apple Configurator to make the iPad a supervised iPad and then I turn off features and run it in single app mode. I use an app called Kiosk Pro which allows you to use it as a PDF reader or a HTML.”– Lance Lander, manger of gallery technology and innovation