Apple likes to “think differently”.
Which is a great philosophy for a company and explains why they have done so well over the years.
Just think of all the Apple design triumphs, iconic products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
But the price of thinking differently means you don’t always get it right. Not sure what we mean? To make it clear, we’ve put together a list of stranger things that Apple has designed and made over the years.
1. A $9,000 Apple Mac – in 1997!
Back in the late 90’s if you were looking for a desktop computer that cost more than a new car, Apple happily obliged in the form of the limited-edition 20th Anniversary Macintosh, also known as TAM.
When you ordered this special edition computer, it was delivered to your door by a concierge delivery service. The high initial price tag of $9,000 was quickly cut to $7,499, then to around $3,500 in the middle of the promotional sales period.
Needless to say, customers who had forked out the full 9k were a bit unhappy to find out that it had quickly lost its value, so Apple offered them a free high-end PowerBook by way of apology.
2. Apple Lisa
Way before the Mac there was the Apple Lisa. The Lisa 2 was unofficially part of Apple’s groundbreaking Snow White design series, with its characteristic white ventilation stripes and inlaid Apple badge.
These early personal computers were cutting-edge. Amazing to think how far Apple designs have come over the years, now known for their sleek and stylish designs, blended with high functionality.
3. Apple Time Band – a smart-watch for weight lifters?
Okay, so Apple never got round to releasing this gargantuan watch, but the design concept seemed really futuristic back in 1991. We’re not entirely sure how much the thing weighed, but given its size, it was probably pretty darned heavy.
The option of what looks like a mini joystick on one side and mini roller ball on the other tops off the design nicely. It’s a far cry from the latest Apple Watches that are known for being lightweight, small, and smart.
4. iPod Stocking Fillers?
Who doesn’t like a pair of socks for Christmas? Well, back in the day, you were able to buy Apple branded, highly colorful iPod socks. An ideal gift for the “person who has everything”, perhaps?
They retailed at $19 for six – or three pairs if you had two iPods that needed to stay toasty during the long winter months…
5. The iMac G3

Okay, so iMac G3’s were pretty iconic when they first came out back in 1998. But by the end of their production run in 2003, we’re pretty sure the Apple design team was running out of colorful ideas, so they went for the most sickly and wacky they could think of!
Overall, the iMac was met with a mixed reception. Many computer experts at the time said it was a good buy for new computer users, but they weren’t so complimentary about the spec. Despite mixed reviews, it became Apple’s fastest-selling computer, shifting over 6 million units in it’s four and a half year life span.
iPad Stand Design That Stands The Test of Time
Here at Bouncepad, we’re careful to design iPad stands and tablet stands that last. They are sturdy, ergonomic, and secure. Find out more about our design process here.
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